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Support our Supporters! 

We are blown away by so many people’s generosity for our cause! This fundraiser is bigger than just raising money for our scholars. It’s to support the small businesses affected by this pandemic. These businesses form the fabric of our communities. 


When you shop local, your dollars stay local, which helps these small businesses bounce back from months of being shut down. You are what helps them stay afloat. 


Whichever auction item you win, think about purchasing another gift certificate when you go to that restaurant. Or consider staying an extra night in the tiny house stay you win. Or recommend that business to your friends. Follow and share their content on social media.


We are trying to pay it forward, by asking you to support those who supported us. Even if you don’t participate in our auction, please look at this list of businesses & acknowledge them as real people, your neighbors. 


Please, spread some goodwill this holiday season! Tell the business that you go to, that you saw they were a donor in our fundraiser. Thank you!


Please click on the donor images to link to their Facebook page or websites

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